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Product You Can Resell for Commissions

HitsLink (

Web Analytics

Partner Options:  Affiliate, Cobrand, White Label
Billing Options:  We Bill, You Bill, or Third-Party Billing

HitsLink is a popular web analytics solution that has a wide range of versions that would appeal to a variety of client types.  It is used by several thousand websites and a free profile version that has been used by several million users.

On the high end, HitsLink Platinum is a full-featured analytics package with complete segmentation capabilities.

1stWarning (

Site Monitoring for Downtime, Block Listing and Performance

Partner Options:  Affiliate, Cobrand, White Label
Billing Options:  We Bill, You Bill, or Third-Party Billing

1stWarning monitors web services for downtime.  It uses a global network of monitoring stations to measure performance and ensure your site or services haven't been hacked or block listed. (

Search Engine Submission

Partner Options:  Affiliate, Cobrand, White Label
Billing Options:  We Bill or Third-Party Billing

Step by step tools and tutorials to get your site listed on search engines.

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